Everyone who knows me well knows that I am a big fan of purple, so when it came time to plan my wedding back in 2003, I knew what my colors would be. The day after I got engaged I had quite a few visions in my head (OK, if I'm being honest, I had many of these visions even before I was engaged). We were getting married in December, so we (well, really I) chose a deep purple as our main color, followed by accents of other purples, white, and a little silver. I had so much fun planning!! I really wanted to put my heart and creativity into it, so I made a lot of the little things (with some much needed help from "the world's greatest flower arranger", my grandma). I knew I wanted lots and lots of candles since we were getting married in the late afternoon. I remember walking into the sanctuary when all the candles were lit and all the flowers were placed just so and being blown away by it looking exactly as I had envisioned it to be.
I thought I would take a look back almost 5 years later and reminisce...
I thought I would take a look back almost 5 years later and reminisce...
I made this as the flower girl basket...lots of hot glue needed!

Taking my vision, my grandma made the cake toppers for the cakes. "Our" cake turned out just the way I had envisioned...simple and elegant. I didn't want the traditional wedding cake, so we opted to serve cheescake topped with yummy berries.
I LOVE how the cake table turned out (just don't mind the dripping berries off the cheesecake). The purple fabric was actually part of the bridesmaids' dresses (the shawl) and I even had vellum snowflakes that had been punched out of the wedding invitation...right to the last detail.

I wish the photographer would have captured the front of the sanctuary full on, but this a glimpse of what it looked like from the side. It doesn't do it justice with what it looked like all lit up!

There was so much more that didn't get captured up closely on film, like the silver wrapped packages under the Christmas tress, the silver snowflake bows that my friend made, and the white roses and purple flowers that lined the aisle. Looking back on this special day was actually a treat for me. There are some things I would change, but I was pretty happy with the way the day turned out. And, really, in the end...I wasn't concentrating on the decorations, but my loving husband that I was so blessed to marry!
Beautiful! Just beautiful! And all the more meaningful b/c you did it yourself.
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