April's Monthly Craft Challenge randomly drawn winner is...
Sarah @ I Blame My Mother
{Sarah, e-mail me with your mailing address at heidilynneboos@hotmail.com}
I'll be sending you one of these in the mail...

Thank you to everyone who participated in the ribbon challenge this month! 26 of you joined in the fun (that's double from last month!) and I love that it's getting bigger and bigger, which means there are more and more ideas being shared! That's what it's all about...to inspire and be inspired!
Are you ready to hear the challenge for next month?
So, where are all the places you can put a MONOGRAM?
A monogram is defined as
a design composed of one or more letters, typically the initials of a name, used as an identifying mark.
I have really seen some cute things out there and now I want to see what you all have to share! It can be something you have done before, or something that you come up with during the month of May.
So, get those creative wheels turning and come back to share on the first Thursday of the month on June 4th. In a couple weeks, I'll be scouring the internet like I do each month to give you a little inspiration and send you in the right direction. Have fun getting creative!
So, where are all the places you can put a MONOGRAM?
A monogram is defined as
a design composed of one or more letters, typically the initials of a name, used as an identifying mark.
I have really seen some cute things out there and now I want to see what you all have to share! It can be something you have done before, or something that you come up with during the month of May.
So, get those creative wheels turning and come back to share on the first Thursday of the month on June 4th. In a couple weeks, I'll be scouring the internet like I do each month to give you a little inspiration and send you in the right direction. Have fun getting creative!
Hi Heidi!
What great projects for your ribbon challenge! I never got my project done. I had a great one in mind, but ran out of time. I really want to take part in your party. It sounds so fun. Sorry I am so lame. I feel like I am going crazy with all of the end of the school year stuff. Next month though - I am there. Promise!
Hi Heidi!! Next month I am going to play along. I have an idea I have been wanting to do, just have not had the time. I am marking my calendar!!
Your daughter is so cute and looks like she is a great little helper!!
Congrats to Sarah! Yeah for all the fun ideas & inspiration. Now, to let the brainstorming begin again...
Have a great day!!
Congrats Sarah!!
Thanks for the next challenge. I'm putting my thinking cap on!
Sounds fun. Congrats Sarh!
Yeah Sarah (she's such a sweetie). I should have done this month's challenge. I need to get out there and get creative. I'm hoping for June. I'm glad to see you had double the participants...cool!
If you've seen my blog at all you know I will stick a monogram on ANYTHING! So excited...I have something in mind already!
I didn't figure cutting a piece of ribbon to use as a bookmark really counted as making something out of ribbon. I wanted to get something done, but it just didn't happen. I'm going to try again this month.
I LOVE the new challenge!
I'm so excited (for both winning AND finding out about the monogram challenge). You know you enable my project starting habit :) I supposed it could be worse. Much worse. Thanks!!
Such cute ideas... I'll look forward to seeing all the ideas, but don't think I'll enter quite yet... unless my house gets unpacked a little sooner. =)
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