When I first started this blog my intentions behind it were to show off pictures of my kids. Which, of course, what momma isn't proud to do that? I was going to save my "creative posts" for my other blog, HB Creative Design (I dabble a little bit in creating digital photo cards). I soon began to realize that keeping up with two blogs was going to be impossible! So, I switched everything to one blog...right here at Blue Eyed Blessings. I still have my other blog but only with the intention to showcase the photo cards I continue to create.
Some weeks it's all about my kids and sharing projects, activities, and the fun we have or just some of the mischievous (but still cute) things they do around the house. Some weeks I get all crafty and am inspired to show off my own accomplishments whether it be organizing or some of my creative projects. And every once in awhile (or once in a blue moon I should say), I get somewhat deep, but I'm not one to just put it out there "as is", even in my real life. Ultimately the desire I have for blogging is that I want my blog to be a place of inspiration! Some understand my addiction, others may not, but either way I have felt blogging has given me a chance to release all of that creativity and passion that I have within!
I am so thankful to everyone who comes by on a regular basis and leaves such great comments. I read each and every one of them, and try as often as I can to either come visit or reply in an e-mail. It means a lot to me that you would take the time to leave a comment so I would love to do the same for you. I am completely blown away at how my blog has become a place where so many love to come and visit. That truly is so flattering and I have gained so many friendships because of that. So, I guess I can say I'm the lucky one!!
You might chuckle at this, but when I first started writing this post I couldn't come up with what I wanted to say! Obviously I found my words, so I suppose I should get on with the purpose of this post and that is to say THANK YOU to some wonderful bloggers who have so sweetly passed on a few awards.
Tanya at The Miller Racing Family & Kelli at Outside my Kitchen Window passed along the "Splash Award". Both of these women are amazing women of God who share their hearts and passions on a regular basis on their blogs. They are inspiring in so many ways and leave such sweet comments!
This award is given because they think my blog is alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring! Holy smokes, ladies! I'm starting to blush a little. I often have a hard time taking a compliment, but I so appreciate you being so thoughtful and passing this award onto me!

Maridith at The Procrastinator Crafter & Rhonda at Down Memory Lane passed along the "Lemonade Award". I love Maridith's blog for her craftiness and I am certainly one to relate to the procrastinator in her blog title! Rhonda is always so sweet to leave comments and I love checking in on all that she and her family are up to!
This award is all about recognizing those blogs with great attitude and gratitude. Thanks, ladies for seeing something in my blog that you feel shows this! I feel honored and very grateful!

The Masked Mommy so graciously passed along the "Super Blogger Award". I find this one super special since she started the award and I was one of the first to receive it! The Masked Mommy (and she truly is masked and has yet to reveal herself!) has some inspiring things happening on her blog. Whether it's a crafty project, her organizing ambitions, or party planning...she's doing it all!

This award given to me from Tanielle at Polka Dot Daisy kind of makes me chuckle a little. I'm SO FAR from the queen of anything and awesome? Really?! Not so much, but hey what woman doesn't like a good crown? I was never voted queen (or even princess) in high school, so I'll take it! Tanielle is such a fun blogger and her blog is always full of something that will keep you coming back for more...and she probably has some of the most adorable little kids!
I just have so many fabulous readers and favorite blogs that I can't narrow down the choices of who to give these awards to (lame excuse? maybe), so instead I will be holding a GIVEAWAY for all of my readers!! It has almost been ONE YEAR since I first started blogging. I can hardly believe it! Stay tuned for giveaway details...my official "blogiversary" is May 27th (the date of my first post), but I'm sure I won't be able to wait that long to share what I have planned.
Ooh boy! This was a doozy of a post! Thanks for sticking with me and joining me in this crazy little addiction...I mean adventure of mine!
Want to know what else is my addiction?
These precious little things...
Congrats on all the awards! Woo hoo!
Congrats on all your well deserved awards!!
Love the pictures of two of my sweet grandkids. Congratulations on the awards, too.
CONGRATS! YOu truly do have an inspirational blog and I love taking peeks every day! :)I am so glad to "know" you via blogging... :)
wow...girl that is alot of bling. It looks good on you. You are an awesome blogger. Love the picture. So cute.
Cute, cute awards! I loved reading your thoughts on why you enjoy blogging. I have the same feelings. It is such a wonderful creative outlet for me. Something of my own, but also a place to put pictures and thoughts about my family. I have met so many wonderful women including you. I'm so glad to know you and appreciate you so much!
You are truly adorable!!! Love your blog and love reading your posts!!! You are one talented and sweet momma!!!
Congrats on your awards! You deserve them all! Love reading your blog!
Congrats on the upcoming blogiversary and the awards. You deserve them. :-) I think you put just enough ofyourself out "here" to make us keep coming back for more, and that's just perfect.
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