This year I am Room Coordinator for Mikayla's Kindergarten classroom, so I get the fun job of helping coordinate and plan the class parties...right up my alley! Even though I only have one party under my "belt" so far, I am pretty impressed with the volunteers who have stepped up to help. I hear this isn't as much the case as the kids get into the older grades, so I'm grateful that I chose to be Room Coordinator this year.
Our first idea for Mikayla dressing up was that she was going to be a kitty (and her brother would be a doggy), but with being gone for 10 days during October, we came home without much motivation to go through with the kitty idea. Luckily, my friend Kim had a Minnie Mouse dress she had let us borrow for Disneyland, but Mikayla didn't end up wearing it. It was the PERFECT costume for Mikayla this year on Halloween!!
My sweet Minnie Mouse...and her twin.
There were four stations at the party...
{Story time with an activity}
{Snack...decorating cookies}
...and of course eating them, too!
The 4th station was pumpkin bowling.
Fun times in Kindergarten!

Mikayla & her classmates all dressed up!
October 31, 2011
Great pictures, love the collages! She was a good Mini Mouse. :-)
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