Kasey at All That is Good is encouraging us to be THANKFUL for today's Friend Making Monday!
My TOP TEN things I am thankful for...
1. God, the ultimate provider of all my blessings! He has lead me through an amazing journey thus far and I can't wait for what else He has in store for me.
2. These blue-eyed blessings...my sweet babes and my wonderful husband who is an amazing father and loving husband. I can't say enough how blessed I am to have such a wonderful man that I can call my husband and the most precious little ones that I adore!
3. My extended family that includes, of course, my mom, dad, brother and sister! I am so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful heritage of believers and two sets of grandparents that are rock solid Christians and have shown me what it means to love others as Jesus would.
Christmas 2007...I suppose it's time for another family photo!

3. My love for creativity! I love so many things that use the creativity that God has blessed me with, including, but not limited to...scrapbooking, card making, decorating, kid crafting, creating photo cards, and so much more!
4. A house that I can call a HOME...a place where we can play, have fun, and be a family who loves each other!
5. Friends...new, old, and everyone in between! I am honored to call the people that I have met in my life my friends. Some of them go back almost 13 years! And we're still going strong. Some of them are new friends who are making an impact on me at this phase in my life and I look forward to where those friendships will take us!
March 2009
6. My local Mother of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. I have been attending this group for three years and have grown so much in different ways, and have met some amazing people! I thrive off being part of a group! This past year I volunteered to be on the MOPS leadership team and I am so glad that I did. It has given me a place to use my leadership skills and creativity. I am currently responsible for the monthly creative activities, birthdays, babies, and pregnancy celebrations, the monthly newsletter, and updating the blog. It sounds like a lot, but I thrive off of keeping busy, so I love it!

7. My love for organizing...I enjoy keeping my house in "working order" by having the places (even the nooks and crannies!) in our home organized. There's just something about my need for having things organized.
8. My education and teaching experience...I was thankful to have 4 years of college education graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education. During my six years of teaching experience, I continued on with my education and received my Masters in Education about 4 months before having Mikayla. Since having Mikayla, I have not been back to teaching, but I am so grateful for that experience. I made some amazing relationships, especially in my years at Portland Christian Elementary.

9. Being a stay-at-home mom...something that I had always hoped I could be! I love being home with my kids and to be able to do the fun things that we do. I can't say it's all "fun and games" because it is difficult, stressful, tiring, and frustrating. However the joys definitely outweighs the struggles. I love being able to go outside together, work on a craft, play games, go to library story times, play dates, and so much more!
10. Prayer...It's amazing what prayer can do! Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Head on over to Kasey's for more of Friend Making Monday!
Great list, Heidi! Love it!
Have a great Monday!
So THAT'S what MOPS stands for! I have seen it several times, and always wondered what it was!
I love your list - haven't done FMM yet, but will be later on! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Great list! I am thankful for many of the same things!
Great list Heidi...can I just copy yours?...we have SO much in common...I even taught for the same # of years as you!
Great list! :)
Love the list. I like the photos so it is not just words!
Love your list and I know we would agree....Everything has a place and everyplace has a thing!
It seems my motto has gotten away from me this week so I"m off to find the places for all of the out of place things in my house!
I love your list...and your love for organizing because I've gotten great tips from you.
Hi Heidi! Great list! When I lived in California I was in a mother's co-op which sounds a lot like your MOP group. It was awesome! It's so nice to have a support network when you have preschoolers. They don't have one where I live now, but I wish they did!
Those are some wonderful blessings! It makes me think of the wonderful blessings I have as well!
It looks like you are such a great mom to those kiddos! Cute mailboxes and I love the saying above the door!!
Great list- thanks for sharing!
I'm thankful for you Heidi! I'm a pretty lucky girl to make your list =)...yes, yes, I know I'm bragging about that!
I loved this! It's so important to remember the things we are grateful for-and your list is great (just about sums up the things that I am grateful for too!)
Did you make those mailboxes for your kiddos?? They're adorable!
creativity is on my list too!Those mailboxes are so cute!and what a great looking family!
Awesome list! What a fantastic, and creative lady you are!! I love reading about all the things we are thankful for!
Have a wonderful Monday!
Your kids are cute! I love that you are organized, I should have mentioned that one too. Have a great Monday!
Love your list today- we have several things in common to be thankful for!
I wanted to invite you to my photo challenge next week- would love to have you play along!
Heidi, what a great list! I can tell that you are grateful from the bottom of your heart! Your kiddos are precious!
Reading your list of Thankfuls was a great reminder of the many things I also have to be thankful for. I love the wall saying you have about your door. Cute.
Philippians 4:8 has been my life verse...so far:)
What a great list! I loved all of the pictures. I also liked the thankful for being organized. I am also vert organized but I do believe that our house is a well oiled machine that keeps everyone happy! Thanks for being a blessing!
I forgot to tell you I love the Imagine and Play words above the playroom? It looks awesome!
What a wonderful list! I love that sign above your door Imagine Play!
Very cute!!!
get organization! everything looks so neat!
Awesome photos and post!
Have a wonderful day!
Is that the More Time Moms calendar??
I can't live without mine!
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