Before I start out with sharing what I love for today, I have to say THANK YOU to The Diaper Diaries for the amazing giveaway from last week's Things I Love Thursday. You'll never guess...
I won! I can't believe it! I'm shocked. I'm speechless. I don't win things like this. The giveaway was a Mickey Mouse digital camera from Digital Blue. Guess what Mikayla is getting for her birthday in April?!? Yes, that's right...a digital camera. Which is just so perfect because she loves to take pictures...just like mommy!
OK, now I'm back to this week's Things I Love Thursday.
My sweet little man has been battling some sickness over the past couple of weeks. (I'll spare the poor boy and won't post another picture of him looking so sickly.) He was diagnosed with an ear infection on Tuesday and is now being treated with antibiotics. His nose is constantly running like a faucet and his eyes are so red and droopy. To say the least he looks like he is one miserable 17-month old. And when your children are miserable...mommy is miserable, too! There's only so much whining, clinginess, crying, fussing, refusing to eat, and snot that one mommy can take! As much as I love my kids and want to be their's a little wearing after a couple of days, let alone a week. Wouldn't you agree? I know I'm not the only one with sick kiddos right now!
So, in our house we look to our good friend BOZ. Austin loves BOZ and because of that, I love BOZ. Who's BOZ you ask? It's a valid question. I didn't have a clue either until my mother-in-law let me borrow some of the DVDs she had purchased.

To give you a quick overview, this comes straight from the official Boz website:
BOZ, the green bear next door, loves exploring God's world and discovering exciting new things with his friends Drew & Gracie, their family, and all their friends in the neighborhood.
While your children are attracted to the wonderful stories, great sing-along songs, and fanciful animation, you will appreciate what makes BOZ unique:
- Early educational concepts naturally woven into a faith-based setting
- Healthy family interactions with Mom and Dad (and even Grammie and Grampie) are an integral part of the kids' everyday world
Add in the Baxter family's commitment to serving people in their church and community, and you realize BOZ reinforces what you are teaching your child! That's the kind of new preschool program worth watching!
Austin loves this green bear. He's so attracted to the bright colors and the music. He dances to the theme song (and I'm beginning to be able to recite the words from memory!). BOZ has been my lifesaver a time or two during this last month. Austin will literally stop his fussing when BOZ comes on. And, although, I don't like for him to just sit and stare at the TV like he's in a trance...having a break from it all gives me a chance to breathe.I encourage you to check out the BOZ website and after you're done with that, head on over to The Diaper Diaries for Things I Love Thursday.
And, if you haven't heard the news already, today is the day to start linking up for this month's craft challenge. Check it out HERE.
Congratulations on your win!
I hope your son feels better soon.
We love Boz here too!
Congrats on your win!!! Boz looks so cute!! and educational and faith based! sounds perfect!!!!
I've never heard of Boz before, but definitely like what I see. Definitely will have to check into this!
I hope he feels better soon. I have one on meds for an ear infection right now. She really got socked this time.
I'll have to check out Boz. We just got over a round of ear infections and flu at our house, hope he feels better soon.
We have ALL the BOZ DVD's and my boys(3 & 16months) LOVE him. My mom got them for my 3yr old when he was around 7 months, they have saved me on many, many days!
Oh congrats!! I love winning. :)
And oh yes, I hope he starts feeling better soon. I saw that sad little picture of him the other day. It IS the worst when our babies are sick. It's so hard to see them miserable.
I've never heard of BOZ. It sounds like something I'll be checking out! I'm sorry he's still sick. I really hope he feels better soon... for you and for him!
And congrats on winning... that is so fun! You'll have to post pictures Mikayla takes! Now you just have to wait to give it to her.
Congrats on you winning! I will have to go check out BOZ!!! Hope your little guy feels better. :)
Isn't it fun to win? :) I'll have to check out BOZ. I've heard of him before, but haven't seen any of his DVDs. Thank you for sharing. :)
WOohoo! You won! That rocks.
Never head of Boz. I may have to check him out. Corban likes this little Race Car DVD called..umm...Auto B Good? I dunno. Let me look. YOu wait right here. ;-)
Oh! I was right! Yay me! *clap clap clap* Anyway - you should check this out, too. Good stuff!
Hope he gets to feeling better soon. Corby had a fever last night and has managed to pick up ANOTHER darned cold. I am so OVER this garbage.
Sorry, got all chatty. Have a day! :-)
My kids love him too. We don't own the DVDs, but my kids saw them at a friends and couldn't stop talking about them. Maybe I need to invest in a couple
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