Thursday, April 2, 2009

a creamy crockpot creation


Heidi at Sacred & Profane
is having her monthly cooking contest and this month it is a Crockpot Throwdown.

If you all know me well enough (my husband!) is not really my thing. I mean, I'm not terrible at it...I don't burn rice or anything, but it's just not my favorite thing to do at the end of a long day.

But, because of this shift in priorities that I'm working on, I actually had a weekly menu plan I created and have stuck with it all 4 days so far! I tried 2 new recipes this week, and they were both 2 thumbs up from the hubby (and myself). Which kind of made me feel like a chef or something, so I thought to myself...might as well throw out a recipe that others might want to try. But be nice to me, OK? Just remember this isn't MY creation!

I'm going to share with you the recipe that I tried for Thursday night's just so happened to be a crockpot recipe and a successful one for that matter! It's not your typical throw it in the crockpot meal since there is a little prep work involved. But I think it only took me 20-30 minutes and then I got to leave it in the crockpot for the rest of the day! And it smelled delicious, too!

Slow Cooker Chicken Cordon Bleu

3 whole boneless, skinless chicken breasts
6 Swiss cheese slices
6 thin ham slices
2 tablespoons margarine
1 can cream of chicken or mushroom
3 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon pepper

1. Cut whole breasts in half. Flatten each half with a mallet.
2. Cover each half breast with slices of cheese and ham. Roll up and secure with toothpicks.
3. Brown each chicken roll in margarine (less or none if preferred) in skillet. Transfer to slow cooker.
4. Combine remaining ingredients. Pour over chicken, making sure chicken pieces are fully covered.
5. Cover. Cook on low 4-5 hours.

**Just a reminder...don't forget to take the toothpicks out before you dig in!

FYI: I was given this recipe from a friend when we had a crockpot recipe exchange with my Bible study small group. But when I called her while I was making it to ask her something about it, she said that she actually hadn't tried it yet, but that she saw it and thought it sounded good. I was able to track down a similar recipe and it looks like you wouldn't even need to brown the chicken first? I don't have the best of "cook smarts", but I guess this would make it a whole lot easier if you didn't have to brown the chicken first. Anybody have advice on this one? Would it cook just fine without needing to brown the chicken?


Dawn said...

Thanks-I love chicken cordon bleu and my crock pot :) This sounds yummy. Not sure about browning or not beforehand, all I know is when I bake it I don't brown it first, but maybe in the crockpot it would help so the chicken isn't mushy??? not sure.

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

What an awesome recipe. We love chicken cordon bleu. I'll have to try it in the slow cooker next time.

Anonymous said...

I am not the best at cooking either, but doesn't the brwoning add flavor? Not sure. Sounds good I will have to try it.

Missy said...

This sounds yummy, Heidi. Although, I do burn rice! That is until I got a rice cooker.I know. I just have problems with rice. Sounds like a recipe my whole family would enjoy.
Thanks for sharing.

Katie said...

I love chicken cordon bleu but it's normally so much hassle I buy it premade from the butcher. I'm going to try this next week!

As far as the browning goes, I have several beef recipes that call for that step, I think it's to seal the juices in to keep it moist. I think I read that somewhere but don't take my word for it I make terrible rice.

Shelby said...

This sounds great. I agree with Katie, all of my beef recipes call for browning in a pan before the crock and it is to seal in the juices and flavor. I would assume it does the same for chicken although I am sure it is more challenging to brown a rolled up piece of chicken as compared to a big, flat slab of beef. Can't wait to try this one!

lsnellings said...

That sounds yummy! I will have to try it. My hubby loves chicken cordon bleu and I never make it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this Heidi, I'm always looking for good crock-pot recipes.

Miller Racing Family said...

This is one of my favorite recipes. I have one similar to this. I have cooked it both ways and really can't tell a difference. I usually don't brown the chicken now just to save time. Thanks for sharing and congrats on sticking to the meal plan, doesn't it feel so good. I feel like such a good mom when I have a home cooked meal every night. Have a great day!

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