Friday, April 10, 2009

button challenge wrap up

First, a big THANK YOU to all the ladies who joined in on the fun and participated in the 2nd Monthly Craft Challenge with BUTTONS!! I had so much fun looking through all of the wonderful creations. I think this is such a great way to get inspired and to be challenged to create. If you haven't checked out all the creativity, head on over HERE for some creative inspiration and check out the links! (You can also visit HERE for the first month's challenge using a scalloped circle craft punch.)

We had 13 participants this month and I'm so ecstatic about that! The first month we had 8 participants, so we're growing!! Keep on coming back to show off your creativity!

This month's random winner (using my own personal random generator...the ever so sweet Mikayla) is...

Shelby @ Schweri Stories
{please e-mail me with your mailing address at}

You've won!!
3 handmade cards by ME using Cheep Talk by Stampin Up!
& 3 spools of American Crafts spring ribbon

Ribbon? Did someone say ribbon?? Were you wondering what next month's challenge might involve? RIBBON!! We all love of us some ribbon, right? So, come on back and we'll have another party on Thursday, May 7th sharing our creations. There are endless possibilities, so get creative!

And, before I go and take a couple day hiatus for a fun Easter weekend, I wanted to show you some treat packages I made for the neighbors. I love making little gifts to pass out to the neighbors during the holidays. There are only a handful that we chat with on a regular basis, so it's nice to just put something small together to let them know we care!


Head on over to Keeping Up With the Schultz Family for some Round Robin sharing of creative ideas, giveaways, fashion tips, or anything your heart desires.
(click on picture below to check it out)


mub said...

Ooh, I think I might have a few ideas for ribbon! I'll have to see if I can actually accomplish any or if they're just really good ideas in my head *L*

Amy said...

Thanks for stopping by. A challenge with ribbons. That sounds like fun. I will have to think of something. I love your idea for Easter treats. That is so kind of you. Have a great day.

Katie said...

Oh ribbon how fun, I'll get started on thinking right after Easter so I don't have to flake out and miss this one! Happy a great Easter!

Anonymous said...

All that sounds like fun! I may have to do that. I have a recipe swap on Mondays if you want to join in!

Mama King said...

Congrats to Shelby! The wheels are already starting to turn - albeit slowly! Count me in for the ribbon challenge! Thanks for hosting it every month!

Shelby said...

Yeah, I won!!! I need to go buy a lotto ticket because I never win. I love the cards and can't wait to receive them - thank you SO much. My email is on the way...

Xazmin said...

Okay, are you TRYING to pressure Tanielle and I to get our butts in gear and get some more Ribbon Blossoms products made!

This challenge is a match made in heaven for me!!


Katie said...

Oh, that lucky Shelby!!
The cards are adorable. I love that stamp set.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Tanielle said...

Congrats to the winner!!! This was a lot of fun! Now I'm looking forward to next month!

Have a great Easter weekend!


Anonymous said...

13 participants...I am so excited for you! I have to go and see everyone's creations. Have a great night. see you tomorrow at the egg hunt!

Rhonda said...

Hey! I think I might join in on the ribbon challenge! I need to do some crafting!

Can I be your neighbor! How thoughtful! What a treat!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Jen @ said...

Those neighbor treats are so sweet! I love it!

I love your crafty theme! I was going to participate this month. I had a really good project, but time just got away from me. Next month for sure!!!

What a great idea! Have a blessed Easter!


Shawn said...

I aspire to be more like you! SERIOUSLY what don't you do?!!?

Ticia said...

So many fun ideas to make with ribbons. Now I need to go back and check out the other button ideas.
I love your idea of making Easter treats for neighbors. I'll have to remember that for later.

Kasey said...

Oh my goodness! I feel like such a loser...yes I got the package and yes it was in tact and yes I love it and Kane is all about the jelly beans! He loves them! thank you so much Iam so sorry i forgot to let you know how much I appreciate it! Thank you!

Amanda said...

Yes! A ribbon craft challenge!!! It could not be any more perfect for mwah! :-)

PS - I'm lovin' the birdie stamps...way too adorable!!

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