Wednesday, April 1, 2009

don't mess with the little guy

If this doesn't say "don't mess with me",
I don't know what does!

For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.


lsnellings said...

that is quite a stare-down! My mom used to call that look my "Paddington Bear stare" when I was a child. (But unless you have heard of paddington bear, that might not mean anything to you!)

Kelli said...

LOL...Caleb gives the same look. Watch out!

Shawn said...

Ahhh the "furrow". It's always the first sign of the possibility that things could go wrong, very, very wrong at any given moment!

No matter what, he's still a little cutie!

Rhonda said...

What's wrong with your little cutie? I have one of Caden like that. He was just put in time out and letting me know he was not happy!!

It Feels Like Chaos said...

So great that you caught that on camera!

Missy said...

How funny. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - yes that is a don't mess with me face!!!

Happy WW!

vicki said...

I have seen that look before. :)

Anonymous said...

That is super cute. May not be so cute in a few years.

Dawn said...

He doesn't look happy.....but he's very cute!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Super cute photo. What would we do if looks could kill. Have a blessed day!

Sally said...

LOL - love that look. :)

heidi said...

LOL So cute! "I dare ya."

Hillary said...

He's so precious. What a look!!

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