Guess who gets these goodies??
Kelli @ Random Thoughts of a Supermom!
Why, you ask?
Kelli was the randomly drawn winner for this month's craft challenge - photo projects! My lovely assistant, Mikayla, was already in bed, so I had to pull the winner out of a hat myself. (I promise it's legit!) Kelli, send me your address at and you'll get your Christmas goodies in the mail very soon!
Thank you everyone who joined the challenge and for the fun photo projects you shared. Go take a peek if you haven't seen them yet.
Now, onto some business...since we (I) postponed the photo project challenge by a week, we're a little behind for the next one, but have no fear because I think you're gonna like this month's craft challenge:
~ Christmas Themed Decor ~
Show me your holiday magic and craft something great for the upcoming season. Since I know that many of you are already crafting away, I think you'll have no problem being ready in 2 weeks! Am I right? We want time to display our hard work in our homes, don't we? Plus, you'll still have the usual one week to link up for a chance to win a little something, so really you'll have until December 10th if you're choosing to procrastinate! *wink*
So, come on back to link up your Christmas themed craft for this month's craft challenge on Thursday, December 3rd. Hope to see you there! And spread the word, will you? I'd love to have 30 participants!! That's my goal for this month. We had 26 participants for the Halloween themed edition, so why not!?

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Exciting news!
Austin's 2nd birthday "construction themed" party is featured at The Creative Party Place today! You really need to go check out this site if you're looking to do some party planning any time soon! It's filled with so much inspiration!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Yay! I can't wait to get all those fun Christmas goodies! And I can't wait to share some of my Christmas crafts too! Congrats on being featured for Austin's party!
Congratulations on the feature. That is awesome! And fun challenge - I have all sorts of ideas.
Have a great weekend Heidi!
Sounds like a fun challenege!
Congratulations to Kelli!!!
Congrats on the feature! The party was great and I am glad they noticed!
Hopefully!!!! I will be on the ball and able to participate this month. I want to say sorry for being a slacker, but I have been a little busy with a newborn!!
i hope to be joining u this month! have a great weekend!
hoping to hop on the bandwagon this month! :)
I am so much better at Christmas baking than crafting. This is going to be a toughy.
Aw...darn it I was thinking you were going to use some of your goodies for the giveaway and I see I was right! Well congrats to Kelli!
And I may have to use something from last year, but since no one was really reading my blog then I think that'll be okay☺
I'm in! I'll spread the word soon. And then start craftin' away!
I can't wait to check out your feature!
I am so excited for you about the theme party being featured. I thought that was the cutest party, and that is a hard task when it comes to boys parties.
Congrats again and I hope you have a great weekend.
Bring on the Christmas crafting! I may not be able to blog much lately {because of my dying laptop ~ waaahhh!}, but that frees up some time for crafting!
Congrats to Kelli!!! What a great selection of goodies :)
I am finally going to join in this month. I'm excited! I blogged about it already so I can't back out. lol
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