Welcome to my home for Christmas!
I haven't had many guests this Christmas season due to a week long vacation and being snowed in for the past NINE days, (yes, I said NINE...ok, I guess there was a little break for 2 days or so, but still!)
There are so many amazing things that I love about Christmas and decorating my home is one of them. So, I thought I would invite you on in for a little tour with me just for the fun of it! I've got some peanut butter cup cookies and peppermint bark to be enjoyed and I'll even make you a cup of hot chocolate. (Boy, am I missing my holiday visitors.)
After walking through the front door, this is the first thing you might see...
Or you might be looking across the living room at this...
Or it's possible that you may be looking at this...
Our house has a very open floor plan.
On top of the fireplace, is this...I was hoping to be able to put our Christmas tree hunting picture in here to go with the theme of the trees, but no such luck this year. If you haven't seen our "it will do" tree yet, check it out here.
One of my favorites...Which, surprisingly neither of the kids have touched! They might be getting the hang of this no thing after all.
Next to our phone is a snowman Christmas countdown (we also have a Christmas countdown advent calendar that my mom made for us hanging behind our front door) and a place to put all of my Christmas cards I get in the mail. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE going to the mail at Christmas time?! It seriously is one of the highlights of my day (and more so this past week, since we haven't been out much). And, today, did not disappoint. We had 7 Christmas greetings waiting for us! Check back after Christmas for a quick peak at what I do with the photo cards we receive each year.
We'll finish off the tour with my snowmen collection on top of the bookcase. I've been collecting these little goodies throughout the years. And this bookcase is way out of reach of curious little fingers, but still visible to the adult eye, so that people can take a look. I try to find one (or two!) snowman that I can add each year.
Left side...
Right side...
And, here is the rest of my decor scattered here and there...Thanks for coming over. And just think you didn't have to fight 14 inches of snow to do it.
There won't be any internet, but I'm bringing a long a few "old school" projects that I've been wanting to do like organize recipes, write in the baby book, and organize my craft idea binder. Plus, we're going to be doing a lot of relaxing. No cleaning the house, doing laundry, or whatever else I find that occupies my time. I'm just going to BE. I think I need that.
Merry Christmas and be safe, warm, and happy!

Head on over to The Lazy Organizer to see what others are talking about only 2 days before Christmas.
What cute decorations! I love to see how others decorate for Christmas so thanks for sharing.
I noticed your "B" you have on the wall. I had, had being the key word, an "M" on our wall and went to dust it last night and it fell off the wall and shattered. =(
Wishing some sunshine to come your way to melt some of your snow.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the tour. Your home looks lovely. Merry Christmas!
I wish I could come over for some cocoa, Heidi, your house looks so warm and Christmasy! Thanks for posting pics...it's been kinda sad to not get to visit friends and enjoy their homes this season. I have yet to take our Christmas card picture - I had an idea, but the weather vetoed it and nothing better has come up. I guess I could use a snow picture. I think I'm going to send Valentines Day cards. Maybe that's what I'll use the 25 cards I won for or something. I've been loving all your posts. How are the roads in Sherwood? I'd love to make it to MudPuddles today...but I'm a chicken. What's it like? Love & Merry Christmas, Annie p/s let's have coffee after Christmas.
I am with you! Going to get the mail is so fun these days, and checking the front porch for packages...I love it! It's going to be a disappointment in January, isn't it? Merry Christmas!
Thanks for sharing! Looks great! I love all those snow men. Cute! And, of course, the Willow Tree nativity. Thanks for looking at my Christmas favorite things at Simply Red. You're comment was so sweet. Thanks!
Your decorations look great! You have a great variety of snowmen. I always think it's neat to have a collection of a specific decor but I change my mind too often to commit. I hope you can get some more visitors this season. =]
I love your decorations! I just love this time of year. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Heidi!
Wow, sorry I've been MIA... we've had a bum computer. But you can come decorate my house ANYTIME!
I haven't been by in awhile and I have missed quite a bit! snowed in??? wow! How was your holiday?
I absolutely LOVE all your christmas decor! so cute. I love those WInter Greetings blocks!
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